This major research study, a collection of state of the art contributions by world-leading experts in the field on the subject of transnational terrorism and its multifaceted implications, EICTP intends to provide a first-hand account dealing with the imminent sub-conventional threats to current international security environments. Reflections introduced and elaborated cover a wide range of issues dealing, among others, with strategic and hybrid terrorism, the systemic dimension, prevalent actors, counter-narratives, the crime terror-nexus, the role of digitalization and the spiral dynamic between Islamist and right-wing terrorism. The expert papers should provide a condensed overview of current developments, structural linkages and important academic debates centering around transnational, Salafi-jihadi terrorism and counter-terrorism.
Nicolas Stockhammer is a political scientist with focus on security policy and terrorism research. From 2004 to 2006 he was research fellow and university lecturer at the chair for Political Theory (Prof. Dr. Herfried Münkler) at Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany. Since 2014, Dr. Stockhammer has been working as senior post-doc researcher of the research group Polemology and Legal Ethics at the Institute for Legal Philosophy of the University of Vienna. With numerous publications in academic journals, articles published in print media as well as many media appearances as an expert for terrorism and terrorist developments, Stockhammer’s expertise on security policy-related issues continues to meet great interest in Austria and abroad. Currently Nicolas Stockhammer is in charge of the Scientific leadership and coordination of the Research Cluster “Counter-Terrorism, CVE (Countering Violent Extremism) and Intelligence” in the Department of Law and International Relations.
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